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Highly skilled migrants as a solution to labor market shortages in the Netherlands?

Are you unable to find qualified employees to fill open positions due to a tight labor market? Then you can consider hiring foreign workers, such as a highly skilled migrants.

Residence permit

The highly skilled migrant must have a residence permit. If the highly skilled migrant comes from the European Union (EU), Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland, no residence permit is required. However, the highly skilled migrant always needs a valid passport or identity card.

Highly skilled migrant

The highly skilled migrant scheme is intended for highly skilled employees and their family members.  


If you want to bring a highly skilled migrant to the Netherlands, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You must have an employment contract with the highly skilled migrant; 
  • You must be a recognized sponsor. You have a certain information-, administration- and care obligation and are listed in the public register of recognized sponsors;
  • You must pay the highly skilled migrant an income that meets the salary criterion. This is a minimum income that the highly skilled migrant must earn. The minimum income can vary and depends on the employee’s age and specific situation. The minimum salary is indexed annually.

As of Jan. 1, 2024, the amounts listed below – excluding 8% holiday allowance – apply:

The highly skilled migrants under the age of 30
at the time of entry into the Netherlands
€ 3.909 per month
Highly skilled migrants aged 30 years and older€ 5.331 per month
Graduates and highly educated in the Netherlands€ 2.801 per month

Work permit application and duration

As a sponsor, you may submit the residence application for the highly skilled migrant. If the application is approved, the employee will receive a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant. This residence permit is valid for the duration of the labor contract, with a maximum validity of 5 years. The permit can be extended indefinitely.

Family members

Family members can also apply for a residence permit, which will be linked to the residence of the highly skilled migrant. When granted, the family members are free to enter the labor market and do not need a work permit to work in the Netherlands.

If you have any questions or would you like to receive advice about the highly skilled migrant work permit, please contact Mrs. Elizabeth Ilik, senior lawyer of JAN©: elizabethilik@jan.nl or telephone number +3188- 220 2339.

Last update article: April 24, 2024

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