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JAN Migrantenrecht


Easier Admission to the Netherlands for Japanese and American Entrepreneurs

Japanese and American citizens can more easily obtain a residence permit to work as self-employed entrepreneurs in the Netherlands compared to entrepreneurs from other non-EU countries. For Japanese citizens, this is possible due to the Netherlands-Japan Trade Agreement, and for American citizens, it is made easier by the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty (DAFT).

Favorable Conditions

Entrepreneurs from countries other than Japan and the United States who wish to establish, develop, or lead a business in the Netherlands must prove through a points system that their activities are of significant economic interest to the country. In practice, this process has proven to be challenging for many entrepreneurs.

In contrast to entrepreneurs from other non-EU countries, Japanese and American entrepreneurs are not required to demonstrate that their business activities provide added value to the Dutch economy through the standard points system. As a result, they save time and costs often associated with the documentation and lengthy procedures required for other nationalities.

For Japanese or American entrepreneurs, the requirement is to register their business with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and invest a minimum of €4,500 in their own company. The registration with the Chamber of Commerce and the investment must be completed within six months after the residence permit has been granted. If this is not done, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) may revoke the permit.

Duration of the Residence Permit

The initial residence permit for Japanese and American entrepreneurs is valid for two years. After this period, the permit can be extended for five years, provided the entrepreneur continues to meet the conditions, including maintaining the required capital. The permit only allows work as an entrepreneur within their own business. For other forms of employment, a separate work permit is required.

Family of entrepreneurs

Family members of Japanese and American entrepreneurs also benefit from these favorable conditions. They can receive a residence permit for the same duration and, in addition, have free access to the Dutch labor market. This means they can work in paid employment without restrictions, unlike the entrepreneur, who is limited to working for their own company.

The Netherlands offers an attractive environment for Japanese and American entrepreneurs and their families. The treaties between these countries and the Netherlands provide Japanese and American citizens with a favorable and relatively straightforward path to a residence permit in the Netherlands, without the complex requirements faced by other nationalities.

Questions? Contact Elizabeth Ilik: ElizabethIlik@JAN.nl or 088-2202339.

Elizabeth Ilik is a partner of JAN© Accountants en Business Consultants advisers and is part of the legal department of JAN©. 

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